Infographic: Key considerations in the event of a cyber security breach

Post by Simon Farthing | January 25, 2023

Data security breaches are rapidly on the rise and this continues to be one of the greatest risks to the survival of your business. With an ever changing cybersecurity landscape, it's important to get the latest and best advice. In an informative and insightful blog authored by Simon Farthing, Commercial and Marketing Director of LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions, he shared his top 3 key considerations in the event that your organisation falls victim of a cyber security attack. This is a visual summary of his blog, which can be found here.

 Cyber Security Infographic

This blog is based on a recent joint webinar with Tom Notley, Head of Channel, and Chris Butler, Head of Consulting, at Databarracks. To request a link to watch a recording of the webinar, please complete this form.