Webinar: Land-Registry-electronic-Document-Registration-Service 21/08/2014

Event Start: August 21, 2014

Using Visualfiles or SolCase to reap the full benefit from the Land Registry’s electronic Document Registration Service (e-DRS)

Thursday 21st August, 11.00 – 11.30

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If you cannot make this date please click here for alternative webinar dates - See more at: http://www.lexisnexis-es.co.uk/news-and-events/events/document-bundling-webinar22July#sthash.1TD9C8rg.dpuf

If you cannot make this date please click here for alternative webinar dates


  1. How e-DRS works
  2. Can you remain competitive without e-DRS?
  3. How Visualfiles and SolCase add further value to the solution
  4. How to use e-DRS to gain the maximum benefit
  5. Getting e-DRS live in days

 The benefits of using e-DRS include:

 *Note this webinar is for Visualfiles and SolCase clients only