Lexis® Visualfiles Conveyancing Accelerator

A faster way to optimise your conveyancing business with the Lexis® Visualfiles Conveyancing Accelerator.

In the competitive UK residential conveyancing market, margins are slim. As buyers and sellers have a wide choice of conveyancers, you need to differentiate your offering, provide consistently high levels of customer service, and meet clients’ expectations for anytime, anywhere access to information. And to really boost your revenues, you may want to look outside your localised market and compete effectively for bulk business from panel providers.

In the face of a complex web of drivers, you cannot rely on traditional ways of working to gain market share and maintain your competitive positioning. You need to move to more digital and electronic ways of working, that will help you to be more productive, lower your costs, and meet your clients’ demands. Lexis Visualfiles can help you do all of that.

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