Webinar: Document Bundling 10/09/2014

Start date: Wed, Sep 10, 2014

The Case for Electronic Document Bundling and Delivery

Wednesday 10th September, 11.00 – 11.30

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If you cannot make this date please click here for alternative webinar dates - See more at: http://www.lexisnexis-es.co.uk/news-and-events/events/document-bundling-webinar22July#sthash.1TD9C8rg.dpuf

If you cannot make this date please click here for alternative webinar dates

Deal with multi volume bundles? Wanting to save your firm time and money? Discover how electronic document bundling and delivery can help you save up to 12 hours per bundle.

Generate even the largest document bundles in seconds, eliminate errors in collation, reduce the cost of your document delivery, keep your documents secure and confidential.

Benefits of Zylpha Document Bundling:

  1. Generates the largest bundles in seconds
  2. Fully automatic
  3. Eliminates errors in collation
  4. Completely secure and encrypted
  5. Minimisation of repetitive tasks
  6. Under your full control and electronic
  7. Optimisation of operating efficiency
  8. Costs are measured in pence
  9. Paperless and no environmental waste
  10. Can help improve image of practice


*Note this webinar is for Visualfiles and SolCase clients only

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