Visualfiles & SolCase Tech Ed Oct'13

Start date: Wed, Oct 16, 2013

Location: Birmingham

Product based events to be held regionally twice per year.

Agenda and event details now released!

A more hands-on technical session where users of our products will find out more about our product roadmap, receive tips and tricks, share customer case studies, preview demonstrations and receive complimentary product training.

Who should attend? End users and technology professionals involved in the daily use of our products and services. 

The dates and locations of all of our Tech Ed Events are:

  • InterAction Tech Ed – London, 9 October. Fore more information click here
  • Visualfiles Tech Ed – Birmingham, 16 October. For more information click here
  • Axxia Tech Ed – Date to be announced soon
  • Redwood Analytics Tech Ed – Date to be announced soon

To register now email

Note: These are client only events

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Visualfiles & SolCase Tech Ed Oct'13 preview